Mon State is situated between Kayin State and the Gulf of Mottama. It has a short border with Thailand of Kanchanaburi Province. The Dawna range runs along the eastern side of the state and also has some small islands. The State of capital is Mawlamying.
There are regular express coach services to Mawlamying from Yangon, Nay Pyi Taw and Mandalay. The trains from Yangon and Nay Pyi Taw are also accessible to Mawlamying.
Mawlamying, Kyaikktiyo Pagoda , Thaton, Thanbyuzayat War Memorial death railway, Setse Beach and Kyaikkami Yele Pagoda.
KYAIKHTIYO (The Golden Rock Pagoda)
Located 160 km from Yangon, this legendary Pagoda is renowned for its golden rock precariously perched. The pagoda is situated on a rocky mountain at 3615ft above sea level and is an 11km hike from the base camp. The pagoda is said to have been built during the life-time of Buddha some 2600 years ago. There are now many options for transport and accommodation at Kyikhtiyo. Mawlamying was the Capital of the former British Empire and it was a major teak port from 1827 to 1852.
It is a two storey building dedicated to the Mon history of the region. Exhibits are displayed downstairs and reading rooms are upstairs. The modest collection of the museum includes scales with Mon inscriptions, hundred years old sculptures of wood, creamics, thanaka grinding stone, silver betel boxes, Iaquerware and folding manuscripts an English language letter dated 22 December 1945 from Bogyoke Aung San to Mo Chit Hlaing, a famous Mon leader. In front of the museum a British cannon dated 1826 and a huge Myanmar gong are displayed.
Three famous pagodas adorn the Mawlamyine Ridge, with Kyaikthanlan being one of them. Erected in 875 A.D, this pagoda has a hair relic of Buddha, Tripitaka maunuscripts and gold images of Buddha. Successive kings raised the pagoda higher, from 56 feet to the present 150 feet. A big bell with a medieval Mon inscription and also another bell with an inscription in English, dated 30th March 1885 can be seen on the platform.
Gaungsay Kyun in Myanmar means Head Wash Island. This beautiful little island of Mawlamying has north-western end is a good picnic sport. The island was named Head Wash Island because the yeariy royal hair washing ceremony during the Inwa (Ava) period, used the water taken from a spring on the island.A short boat ride can take visitors to the island.
Located 9 kms northeast of Thanbyuzayat, Kyaikkami was a small coastal resort and missionary center known as Amherst during the British era. The mainj focus of Kyaikkami is Yele Paya, a metal-roofed Buddhist shrine complex perched over the sea and reached via a long two-level causeway; the tower level is submerged during high tide. Other attractions here are the colonial administrative buildings that are nearly 100 years old.
Suitated 24 km south of Kyaikkami and 16 km southwest of Thanbyuzayut, this wide, brown-sanded beach tends towards tidal flats when the shallow the shallow surf-life recedes at low tides. The beach is lined with waving casuarina trees.
It is located 24 km south east of Mawlamyaing. The main Buddha image sits in the position of the legs hanging down as if sitting on a chair.Therefore,the temple is famous for the Buddhawhich is sitting in the western manner and it is also well known for its hundreds of beautiful glazed tiles.
Phaauk Meditation Center was estimated by monk U Kemar wutnare in 1925. In 1925, meditation camps are opened in Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, U.S.A, South Korea, England, India and Germany. Foreign monks have come and strived to Buddha doctrine since 1990. This center is very famous for its Buddhist meditation technique.
This Church was founded by Reverend Adoniram Judson, an American Baptist Missionary, who translated the Bible into Myanmar and compiled an English-Myanmar dictionary. It is Myanmar’s first Baptist church and situated on the corner of upper Main Road and Jetty Road in Mawlamying.
Thanbyuzayat is 30 km south of Mawlamyaing. It was the western terminus of the infamous “death railway” by the thousands of Allied prisoners of war. A kilometer west of the clock tower in the direction of Kyaikkami lies the Thanbyuzayat War Cemetery, which contains 3,771 graves of Allied prisoners of war who died as building the railway. Most of those buried were British, and there are also markers for American, Dutch, and Australian soldiers. This Death Railway is 415 kilometer (258 miles) long between Bangkok, Thailand and Myanmar to support Japanese forces in the Myanmar campaign.
Thahton is said to be the original capital of the Mons but now that distinction has shifted to Mawlamyaing. However, Thahton still boasts some historical links. There are remnants of an old city wall with the shrine of a Bagan hero, Byatwi, who became a nat (spirit) after being killed by the lord of the town when he fell in love with the governor’s beautiful daughter. Now he is regarded as the guardian of the town and people come here to pray.
You can search in here https://bookmyanmarhotels.com/ if you want to find Hotel in Mon State.
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Feb 16, 2022 12:29